Oracle of Oracles (OoO) + AdHoc Plus

Secure on-chain price information

Permissionless Master Oracle: uniting, weighting, and averaging the price feeds from centralized (CEX) and decentralized exchanges (DEXs), to serve the “true, realtime price” of any asset and remove customizable outliers.

What is OOO?

In response to the wave DeFi attacks and “Flashloan” losses, Unification released the Oracle of Oracles (OoO).
This is in line with our continuing effort to expand our toolset adoption, by providing Permissionless Products to serve the growing DeFi industry.

CEX and DEX data sources

Unlimited tokens + Chains

Flash loan hack-resistant

On-chain / – Off-chain secure price feeds

The FUND OoO (built on the data structure of Finchains.io) takes into account pricing across 15 sources to provide a trusted, true and unaltered price but removing any pricing which is outside the normal standard deviation of the average.

The service can be integrated and accessed from any solidity smart contract to serve & secure all participants in the Defi market.

What this would mean, for example, is that if the price of DAI is manipulated on one exchange to be 15% different from other sources, the number would be removed to not allow any hacks based on that manipulation.

Access and utilisation of the FUND Price Oracle will require xFund, which is an emission of Unification’s FUND token distributed to the network’s validators and also traded on ERC-20 markets.

For those who don’t know, go-ooo is the application that listens for OoO data requests sent to the router’s smart contract, retrieves the data, and sends it back to the requesting contract. The app was updated last year to allow AdHoc price requests from DEXs to better support Shibarium needs.

If a pair is listed on one of the DEXs currently supported by go-ooo, an AdHoc price request can be sent to OoO. As long as the pair has good liquidity and recent trades on a DEX, its price data will be included in the price calculations (the more DEXs the pair lists, the better).

The code that handles AdHoc queries has been rewritten to allow for a more modular approach that uses a common method interface and pricing data structure, allowing for much easier integration of new DEX modules like WoofTools.

The AdHoc code has also been optimized so that queries to DEX subgraphs now run in parallel and results are processed as soon as the “slowest” GraphQL query finishes, making AdHoc queries 5-6x longer faster than before.

New API and ADP endpoint (AdHoc Plus)

UNIFICATION has added a new endpoint to the Finchains API that will return a series of prices for a given period of time. No statistical analysis is run on this endpoint; It’s just raw data from the backend, allowing apps like WoofTools to use the data or run their own analysis.

In a real-world example, UNIFICATION is planning to extend the OoO AdHoc query endpoint to include CEX data (see OoO WIP below). Currently, OoO can obtain data from the Finchains API using standard query endpoints, which are limited to trading pairs monitored by Finchains, or alternatively from various supported DEXs via AdHoc queries, which support any pair listed on the DEX supported.

With the new Finchains API endpoint, we will be able to implement a new OoO ADP (AdHoc Plus) query endpoint to pull raw price data from the Finchains API, in addition to any supported DEX pairs.

Shibarium network is powered by OoO.

Our promise of a fully decentralised & Permissionless toolkit:

UNoDE accounts are anonymous, private & payments are Crypto only!

Accounts are only linked to the wallet you use for subscription payment, and no identifiable data is stored as part of your account. Users can, optionally add an email address, which we will only use to inform users (who have opted in) of system updates etc.

Node activity will not be logged, allowing anonymous usage. Transient logging can be enabled on a per-project basis to identify and fix potential issues and errors.

In addition, UNoDE continues the permissionless ethos of Unification’s toolkits removing barriers and friction of traditional sales calls, permissioned accounts, and all the things that have made our toolkit the choice of development for the present & future.

Now that Shibarium is live it’s probably a good time to give some further details (thank you for your patience!).

UNoDE is Unification’s NaaS (Node as a Service) implementation. It will initially offer scalable RPC endpoints for a select number of networks, including Unification, Shibarium and Ethereum. So what? Well, we believe a few things will make UNoDE special for WoofTools: privacy, decentralisation, and crypto payments & crypto subscriptions (using both ERC-20 and Native FUND).

Privacy: UNoDE will not store any identifiable data. No names. No addresses. The only data UNoDE will require from subscribers is a wallet address (to make and track payments), and optimally an email address (for payment reminder notifications, service updates etc.). The only data collected and stored will be pure analytics — the transactions, queries and errors etc.

Decentralization: The ultimate goal of UNoDE is a decentralized NaaS. Our goal is to use the mentioned tools like (OoO) and UNoDE Hub to our community to allow WoofTools users to exchange P2P. UNoDE instances, we will build our NaaS under the UNoDE umbrella and join the largest decentralized NaaS network.

Crypto Payments: Since we are putting privacy first, UNoDE will only accept and process crypto payments. UNoDE will accept both ERC-20 FUND and eventually native FUND & eFUND as payments for subscriptions, bringing it into the Unification Utility family.

Wen UNODE? Building a NaaS infrastructure from scratch is not easy. Currently the UNIFICATION team is working with new partners to implement the infrastructure and payments system. They’re aiming for a private Phase 1 alpha by the end of Q3 and, if all goes well, a broader, public beta in Q4 2023.

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Click here: https://unification.com/

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