WoofTools is Shibarium first,
with a multi-chain vision

WoofTools is the Web3 Freelance Marketplace to Trade in Crypto, Earn in Crypto.

What is WoofTools?

On the platform, WoofBosses can trade in $WOOFS, $SHIB, and 100+ other cryptocurrencies. The WoofTools platform is designed to be more attractive than other freelance DeFi marketplaces in multiple ways.

WoofTools is available to all worldwide

WoofTools is Web3 first

WoofTools fees are the best

WoofTools is the Dextools Killer & CMC Destroyer.

Here’s why WoofTools will take a juicy bite out of the $77.20 billion independent DeFi marketplace industry!

0% Fees

Platform fees are 0 % with the $WOOFS token, which also powers Proof-Of-Woof Staking and Woofserrals. The $WOOFS token will also facilitate Governance in the upcoming Woof DAO.

Apply for List Token on WoofSolution to facilitate independent Web3 trading


(Integration Partner)

OoO Realtime Price
(Integration Partner)


Go Plus Security



KyberSwap Aggregator

Woofs are you waiting for?